dolphinBrendan’s Extraordinary Assignment
, a middle grade novel 

Set in present day Ireland, thirteen-year-old Ryan discovers the positive side of the supernatural with the help of a wild dolphin on assignment to protect him. Together they must stop the deadly tuna fishing practices that trap and drown dolphins. But Ryan’s dad is the captain of the fishing fleet, and the tuna catch is the only chance for their town to survive.                  

 Why I wrote Brendan’s Extraordinary Assignment

When I was visiting my grandmother’s village in Dingle, Ireland I discovered the story of a lone wild dolphin who arrived in the bay in 1985 and is still there. The dolphin who they call Fungie, has changed the destiny and future of the town.

I took this true story home with me and let it simmer. Soon I imagined the most astounding and incredible reason why a dolphin would leave his pod and live alone in a bay and I wrote Brendan‘s Extraordinary Assignment.


  • 2019 The Blue Seal Award for First Place in Children’s Middle Grade Fiction. It was presented at the Write-To-Publish Conference in Wheaten, Illinois.
  • 2018 The Blue Seal Award for Honorable Mention at the Write-To-Publish Conference in Wheaten, Illinois.
  • 2018 The Tar Heel Award for First Place presented at the North Carolina Christian Writers Conference.


Jadu, The Magical Frog Puppet, a Chapter Book

Trudi and Brody’s family move to India. The children attend an international school and must adjust to a new culture. Trudi is happy but Brody wants to go back to his friends and baseball team in the United States, and takes his frustration out on the library’s mascot, Jadu, a frog puppet. Eventually, the entire school is involved with his shenanigans.

Why I wrote Jadu, The Magical Frog Puppet

When I arrived in India I discovered how revered frogs were in the culture of ancient India. I decided to look for a frog puppet so I could connect to the culture and touch the hearts of the young ones who love puppets. Children with parents who work internationally are challenged as they move around the world and go to schools in different countries with different customs. It’s not always easy to transition.


  •        2018 First place Tar Heel Award at the North Carolina Christian Writers Conference. 
  •       2019 Second Place Blue Seal Award at Write-To-Publish Conference.

Petey, Lost in Venice, a Picture Book

Petey, the pup, is lost in Venice, Italy. Vincenzo, the gondolier, helps Chris and his parents search for him in his gondola. But Petey is always one step ahead of them, getting into trouble. Finally, Chris remembers one of Petey’s special talents, and knows where to find him.

Why I wrote Petey, Lost in Venice

When my husband and I lived in Milano, Italy, we would often drive over to Venice, one of our favorite cities. One weekend we took Petey, our Westie, and went for a ride on a gondola. Petey was concerned at first, but as the gondolier sang to us, he relaxed and enjoyed the ride. The gondolier loved him!

Marina and Fergus, a picture book

Sometimes I work with a puppet. He’s been my assistant for a long time. He actually thinks he’s a hot-shot.

My next picture book, Marina and Fergus, is all about him. As you can imagine, he’s quite pleased.